L1 Technology

Investing in technology to improve connectivity and efficiency

The pandemic has shown the necessity of connectivity and digitisation – for productivity, education and human engagement. LetterOne (L1) is a long-term growth investor in technology and communications – with its own patient capital, no fixed time horizon and significant funding available. We actively look for investments in the broader technology space in the EMEA region with a focus on software, digital platforms, tech enabled services, connectivity and data. Through its portfolio companies LetterOne Technology seeks to satisfy society's increasingly digital needs.

Our year in review

Looking back on a year of resilience, ingenuity and achievement.

$ 1.5 bn

Net assets under management (31 Dec 2023)

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L1 Technology owns a 19.8% stake in Turkcell. Turkcell is a converged telecommunication and technology services provider, founded and headquartered in Turkey. It serves its customers with voice, data, TV and value-added consumer and enterprise services on mobile and fixed networks. Turkcell is one of only two Turkish companies to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Turkcell is also quoted on the Borsa Istanbul Sustainability Index.

L1 Technology owns a 47.85% voting stake in VEON, the global telecoms company headquartered in Amsterdam. VEON is a leading emerging markets connectivity and digital services company, serving 213m customers in nine growing economies. VEONs strategy is to provide connectivity – traditional mobile and fixed line voice and data services – and new, digitally enabled experiences tailored to modern customer needs.

LetterOne has a significant investment in Dayim Middle East Holding Company, a leading equipment and truck logistics & leasing business in KSA and the broader Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) region. The investment will fund DMEH’s continued growth.

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