Franz Humer appointed to the Board of LetterOne

  • Franz Humer, experienced Non Executive and Chair joins the Board of LetterOne
  • Mr Humer is former Chairman of Diageo and former CEO of Roche
  • Mr Humer brings decades of managerial and Board experience to LetterOne

Commenting on his appointment, Franz Humer said:

“LetterOne is a major employer across the UK, EU and US, with investments supporting 120,000 jobs in critical sectors.

“I will play my part in making sure that these jobs are protected and enhanced.

“Along with Lord Davies I am absolutely determined to ensure that LetterOne is fit for purpose and is able to continue with its vital work.

“LetterOne is committed to supporting Ukraine at this tragic time, and everyone at the business has made absolutely clear that Russia’s actions in Ukraine are abhorrent and that their illegal invasion of Ukraine must end.”

Lord Davies, Chairman of LetterOne, added:

“I am delighted to welcome Franz to the LetterOne Board. I am totally committed to strong, transparent and independent Governance for L1. The new board of LetterOne and I will focus on protecting the enormous economic and social contribution the business makes. Franz’s deep experience and expertise will be invaluable.

“I am also determined to maintain and grow the 120,000 jobs our investments support throughout the UK, US and Europe.

“The war in Ukraine is an avoidable tragedy and everyone at LetterOne condemns Russia’s aggression and wants to see an end to this senseless killing.

“LetterOne has set out plans to make a $150m donation to support the urgent work under way to help those affected by the war in Ukraine, as well as committing all dividends for the foreseeable future to relief efforts”.

Notes to Editors

Franz Humer earned his PhD in Law from University of Innsbruck and an MBA at INSEAD.

Following a career as Management Consultant in Zurich, Dr. Humer joined Schering Plough Inc in 1973, where he held several positions including General Manager for various Latin American and European countries. He joined Glaxo Holdings in 1981 and was appointed Managing Director of Glaxo Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd in 1987. In 1989 he was elected to the Board of Glaxo Holdings plc and in 1992 became Chief Operating Director for Glaxo's worldwide (ex-US) operations. Dr. Humer joined Hoffmann-La Roche in 1995 as Head of its Pharmaceuticals Division and as Member of the Board. He was appointed Chief Operating Officer in 1996, Chief Executive Officer in 1998 and Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer in April 2001. From March 2008 to March 2014 he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Roche Holding Ltd.

Franz Humer joined the Board of Diageo, the world’s leading spirits company, in 2005 and became its Chairman in 2008. He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children and the Humer Foundation and he is Chairman of Neogene Therapeutics and HMNC Brain Health. He is an Independent Board Director of Allogene Therapeutics, Cydar and Emil Frey Holding.